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Amersham Hybond P 0.2 PVDF Western blotting membrane

品牌:Cytiva/思拓凡(原GE Healthcare)点击下载说明书


10600021260mmx4m4497.71  3598现货


0.2 µm PVDF blotting membrane for use with standard colorimetric and chemiluminescent detection methods.

Minimizes "blow-through" and increases protein binding

Amersham Hybond P 0.2 PVDF is a 0.2 μm pore size hydrophobic membrane with high physical strength. This results in significant handling advantages over unsupported nitrocellulose and makes the membrane highly suitable for stripping and reprobing. The small pore size of the membrane minimizes "blow-through" and increases protein binding over a wide range of molecular weights.

Western blotting sandwiches

For convenience, Western blotting sandwiches (10 sandwiches/package) are available, consisting of precut Amersham Hybond P 0.2 PVDF membranes preassembled with 2 x 3 mm Chr blotting papers.